Friday, November 28, 2014

Silver Coins

I'm back!!

Feels sooooo great to be home. I missed this little town of mine. So how was your holiday? Mine was great because of all of the food (duh). Tamales of course, typical Mexican tradition. Even though I had a delicious dinner, I made my way to the mall for some Black Friday shopping. What better way to celebrate these deal, but by wearing all black (my comfort color). Although I did wear black, there is no way in hell that I wore this outfit! Of course not!

  1. It gets way too cold at night
  2. how in the world would I be able to make it through the night with these shoes.
This year I was pretty disappointed, because I did not find any of the things that were on my list. I guess I will wait for cyber Monday. The holiday season is coming by so fast and the quarter seems to come to an end and I don't want to wait for the last minute to go out and get stuff. Ehh, I guess I'll be fine because this year I want to hand make a lot of my gifts; they just feel more special. Well I hope that all of you had a great time, till next time.


Outfit details
shirt, socks, and necklace- Forever21
Skirt- hand made
jacket- old navy

Monday, November 24, 2014

Gravy Baby

Hey there, 

Its just a normal Monday, but I'm happy. Happy to go HOME!! I can't wait for the 5 hour long drive through the beautiful freeways of LA (sarcasm included). I haven't gone home this quarter; I miss my family and friends. School has been stressful but I'm breathing, its all gravy baby. 

The weather in SoCal is bipolar. It alternates from cold to fresh to hot within hours. Its always hard to dress in the morning knowing that the weather might switch any moment. I miss my predictable winter weather from back home. Therefore, I must carry my cardigan. The Classic winter color of this season in my opinion is deep burgundy.Such a gorgeous color and it accents any plain outfit (like mine). 

Well I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. Eat. Eat. Eat. Remember to appreciate all you have, count your blessings, and loves the ones around you.  

I'm Thankful for:
An education
Good health 
and my family and friends. (of course!!)


Outfit Details 
Dress- Thrifted
Cardigan- Forever21
Necklace- Charlette Russe
Boots- JC Penny

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Taco Tuesday

So I'm in the process of re-doing my wardrobe; I'm trying to go for Comfy Classic Grandma. I don't know what is going to end up happening but my closet is very confused. Have you ever looked through your closet and realized your style has changed and your pieces don't reflect what you want to wear? Well that's me on a constant basis. My clothes are my children, so it hurts when I get rid of some things. While I look through my clothes I start to remember why I bought it, how I can wear it again, or even if I will ever wear it again. Sad Story. Hopefully I find my true self, even if I have to go shopping (that was just a hint of sarcasm, cause you know who doesn't love shopping).

What's new? 
Well you see there, I am currently a full time student, I have a job, I am involved with research. Too much on my plate? Perhaps? 
Why do you do it?
I love being busy, it keeps me from thinking too much (and I'm not talking about intellectual thoughts, but referring to emotions- Being heartless keeps me sane).

Other than that there is nothing new, I want to start making YouTube videos but I don't know what to record. If you guys have an idea it would be great. 

I will leave you with a twinkle of thought.

"Try not to become a man
 of success, but rather try
 to become a man of value"
- Albert Einstein 

Outfit Details
Cardigan & necklace - Forever21
Shirt - Marshalls
Booties - H&M